Welcome to our blog. We plan to keep you up to date on this blog about the great offers on used CNC machine tools etc that can be found at our machine auction site
www.promotemachinery.com . If you are looking to buy CNC or plant machinery or want to release money tied up in redundant equipment then why not visit us now!


Sunday 18 April 2010

Kuka Robot

Put your feet up, have a cup of tea and let his Kuka robot do all the work for you (plus it does not answer back!)
This Kuka A2 welding robot with a plasma welding system (ultima -150) with plasma head and 1 x tig head is in very good condition and with just 12 days to go until this second hand machine tool is sold it is worth a look by clicking HERE

If you ever need to buy or sell machine tools then visit www.promotemachinery.com , as Peter Allen a customer said in a recent review where he gave us a 5 out of 5 rating:

"Excellent service! I managed to sell three items of machinery off this site and actually ended up buying a 6 month old lathe off it too!!!"

Have a great week folks!

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