Welcome to our blog. We plan to keep you up to date on this blog about the great offers on used CNC machine tools etc that can be found at our machine auction site
www.promotemachinery.com . If you are looking to buy CNC or plant machinery or want to release money tied up in redundant equipment then why not visit us now!


Tuesday 6 April 2010

Kitamura 5 Axis

Just over 20 days to go if you want to bid on the this used machine tool! It is a Kitamura 5 Axis machine stated as being in excellent condition and it can be seen running.

Year 2007

Kitamura Fanuc 16iMB

630 mm dia Table

Max work piece 630mm x 500mm high

Max work piece weight 400Kgs

40 BT spindle

50ATC tool storage

spindel speed 20,- 20,000rpm

If you want more details then please click HERE

Well, we hope you all had a good Easter break for those that had one and have a great week back at work!

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