Welcome to our blog. We plan to keep you up to date on this blog about the great offers on used CNC machine tools etc that can be found at our machine auction site
www.promotemachinery.com . If you are looking to buy CNC or plant machinery or want to release money tied up in redundant equipment then why not visit us now!


Saturday 26 June 2010

A wide range of used machine tools!

The above image shows a screen snap shot from our auction site of just some of the great second hand machine tools that are being sold right now to the highest bidder. If you have a machine tool for sale or want to grab a bargain before it is too late then why not visit our site now by clicking HERE.

You will also be able to see how we can help you release valuable cash by selling any used machine tools that you may have.

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy the world cup football (if you follow it!)

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