What about bidding on this plasma cutter? A great second hand machine tool and it has only been used for 4 weeks!
This auction item is a Cebora Plasma PROF 164 HQC (High Quality Cut) mechanised multi-gas plasma cutting power source interfaced with a SMS (Smart Machine Systems) SmartPLASMA plasma cutting table, for cutting of a complexed part or parts.
* Plasma PROF 164 HQC power source - the Plasma PROF 164 HQC power source is fully microprocessor controlled and is rated 120A at 100% duty cycle.
It has a HV18 ignition unit and a PGC-1/2 gas console, which is a synergic parameters settings console.
It will is interfaced with a SMS SmartPLASMA 2.7m x 1.7m plasma-arc cutting table designed for producing highly intricate designs.
It uses either three or four 'SmartMotors', two precision gearboxes and integrated arc voltage torch height control system.
It can make rapid reversals and direction changes at speeds of up to 200 in/min (5m/min).
YOM Sept 2008
To see this used machine tool before it goes click HERE